April 2008 - August 2009, Miami Beach FL
Bella Rose and the Poetry of Nightlife
“I'm talkin' about a bar, whiskey pure and Zen simple, conceived in the heat of a moment by two men burned out by too many tepid nights on a lukewarm town. The men -- Brooklyn-born Keith Paciello and Miami's own Alfred Spellman -- believed that there had to be more than what the strip had been offering, so they decided to build something themselves. And build they did, in a two-month flash of blood, sweat and moxie.
So while the latest crop of so-called club kingpins went in search of the next last reality show contestant, the people got it. See, what the come-latelies failed to realize is that real folk don't play at reality, they live it. And if you want a joint where real folk congregate, you don't fake it.”
—John Hood